RXCIPIENTS® FM 1000 - Description

Due to its hydrophobic nature, RXCIPIENTS® FM 1000 enhances disintegrant performance by channeling moisture from outside the tablet to the disintegrant. The disintegrant absorbs that moisture, swells, and breaks the tablet. Thereby, it improves ODT functionality and creates a more robust tablet and a longer shelf life. The use of Calcium Silicate NF can result in a tablet friability of less than one percent. Hence, tablets don’t require a special packaging. They can be packaged in bulk or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles. The stronger tablets also enables manufacturers to produce ODTs in house with existing tableting equipment.


More information about RXCIPIENTS® FM 1000

  • Enhances disintegrant performance
  • Tablet disintegration in the mouth in 5 to 30 seconds
  • Greater tablet durability
  • Longer shelf life
  • Ability to utilize standard tableting equipment

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